Pricing and Specials

2024-2025 price list

Brown\Grizzly Bear 7-day hunt  $17,000

Brown\Grizzly Bear 10-day hunt  $20,000

Moose 10-day hunt $30,000   moose sold out for 2024

 Caribou/Grizzly 8-day hunt $22,000

Black Bear 5-day hunt two bears $7,500

Combo Hunts

Caribou/Grizzly combo 10-day hunt $26,000

Moose/Brown Bear combo 10-day hunt $35,000


We do not sell big game tags in the field. The big game tags that you purchase prior to your hunt are the only animals you can hunt for. Big game tags and your hunting/fishing license are not included in the hunt price.

Contact Us

Phone: 907-830-4968
PO Box 220483
Anchorage, AK 99522